Our employee survey

Every two years we ask our employees across the Group (excluding T-Mobile US) how satisfied they are with their work at Deutsche Telekom. This helps us to identify weaknesses and eliminate them. We use the responses to calculate the engagement score, a gauge for employee satisfaction.

During the 2021 employee survey, the questionnaire and the measurement model were revised and updated based on feedback and the latest scientific findings: New questions were added and some of the existing questions were adapted. In addition, the scale used for the engagement score (formerly, the “commitment index img”) was changed from “1 to 5” to “1 to 100.” The engagement score is calculated based on questions on the following aspects: mood, employer attractiveness, brand identity, and inspiration.

A total of 80 percent of all employees throughout the Group took part in the 2021 employee survey. The engagement score amounted to 77 points.

Twice a year: The pulse survey KPI

In addition to the employee survey, which we conduct every two years, we also conduct regular pulse surveys to measure employee satisfaction – usually twice a year. If the employee survey and pulse survey both occur in the same year, the pulse survey is only carried out once. The most recent pulse survey in November 2022 saw a 76 percent response rate among employees. The engagement score reached a high value of 78 points. 

High ratings = very good, good/agree fully, agree.
Low ratings = poor, very poor/do not agree, do not agree at all. “Neither agree nor disagree” ratings are not shown.

Explanations of questions asked:

  • Mood = How do I feel at Deutsche Telekom.
  • Employer attractiveness = I would recommend our company as a great place to work.
  • Brand identity = I am proud of the Telekom brand.
  • Inspiration = Our company inspires me to do my best every day.
  • Strengths = My job is a good fit for my abilities, knowledge, and experience.
  • Goals = I know what is expected of me at work.
  • Purpose = I perceive my work as meaningful.
  • Involvement = I have influence on decisions regarding my work.
  • Trust = I have freedom to act in order to get my job done.
  • Information = I can get the information I need to do my job.
  • Team feedback = We give each other feedback in order to improve as a team.
  • Manager feedback = I receive feedback from my line manager that helps me to improve my performance and grow.
  • Failure culture = In my team, mistakes are are used as a chance to improve and learn.
  • Workload/quality= In my team, the workload and quality requirements are compatible with one another.
  • Work-life balance = My current working hours allow a good balance between private and (family, hobby) job-related interests.
  • Team attractiveness = I would recommend my team as a great community to work.
  • Collaboration = We collaborate effectively with others across our company.
  • Guiding Principles = I experience the Guiding Principles being lived in my day-to-day work.
  • Learning = Our company offers sufficient learning opportunities to enhance my professional skills.
  • Career development = I see motivating development opportunities for my career in our company.
  • Recognition = Considering all my efforts and achievements, I feel that I have received the appropriate amount of recognition at work.
  • Eco-social engagement = I can identify with the environmental and social engagement of our company.
  • Corporate responsibility = Our company acts responsibly towards the environment and society.
  • Digital collaboration = Digital collaboration tools facilitate our day-to-day work.
  • Risk management = In my team, we consistently manage potential risks affecting our business.
  • Strategy = I know and understand the strategy of our company.
  • Culture of trust = In our company, I experience a culture of trust across all hierarchies.
  • Equal opportunities = In our company, everyone has the same opportunities for hiring and career development – regardless of age, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, nationality, social and ethnic origin, political opinion, religion and belief.
  • No discrimination and safe space = Our company provides a safe and supportive work environment for all – we do not tolerate inappropriate behavior or comments related to: age, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, nationality, social and ethnic origin, political opinion, religion and belief.
  • Open question on engagement = What would make your engagement at work even stronger?
  • Follow-up to the employee survey = In my unit, we discussed the Employee Survey results and derived concrete actions for improvement.

Employee identification with ESG KPI “CR commitment” KPI

We use the Employee Identification with ESG KPI img “CR commitment” to determine the degree to which our staff identify with, or how satisfied they are, with our CR commitment. This is based on the Group employee survey (excluding T-Mobile US), which we conduct every two to three years. The last survey has been conducted in 2021. The vast majority of our employees believe that Deutsche Telekom acts responsibly towards the environment and society, and 84 percent identify with our commitment.

Our ambition: increase KPI

Reporting against standards

German Sustainability Code

  • Criterion 7 (Control)
  • Criterion 14 (Employee Rights)

Global Compact

  • Principle 3 (Uphold freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining)
  • Principle 6 (Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation)




Satisfaction and commitment score KPI

As measures of employee satisfaction, we collect the satisfaction rate and the engagement score. We base this on the employee survey carried out every two years and monitor how effective these measures are through the half-yearly pulse survey. This allows us to continuously analyze and optimize our processes. It gives us the opportunity to continually improve employee satisfaction. The Group-wide satisfaction rate of our employees fell to 81 percent in the year under review.
The engagement score of the 2022 employee survey shows a value of 78 on a scale of 0 to 100 at Group level. In the 2019 survey, the score (formerly “engagement index img”) was displayed as an average value on a scale of 1 to 5 and achieved a value of 4.0, which corresponds to 80 points after conversion to the new scale. Compared to the previous year, the engagement score increased by one point in the reporting year.

  Data assured by Deloitte.

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