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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Current organizational structure

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Supervisory Board of Deutsche Telekom AG

Is regularly informed regarding the ESG strategy, its implementation and its key performance indicators

Group Board of Management

Approves Group-wide ESG regulations and strategies, and is regularly informed, by the business areas, regarding the status of such regulations and strategies, regarding progress in implementation of the overall ESG strategy, and regarding the status of individual goals and pertinent measures

Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR)

Central competence center for strategy, strategic policies and projects, specialist and procedural advising, external reporting, and stakeholder management

CR-Controlling & Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (DTSE)

CR Controlling is responsible for operational controlling with regard to quantitative targets and KPIs, throughout the various levels of the Group, and it integrates such controlling within existing processes. DTSE collects and consolidates ESG KPIs on a Group-wide basis, and it assures the quality and completeness of the pertinent data collected.

Segment leads / managers

Responsible for implementation of strategy, specifications, and goals within the relevant segments; report on such implementation to the Group Board of Management; and flesh out the CR strategy in keeping with business requirements

CR segment lead

The central contact person, with regard to CR issues, within the relevant segment. The CR segment lead adapts the company’s CR strategy to the segment’s requirements and coordinates CR-related activities within the segment.

CR-Controlling, segment

The area, within a segment, that is responsible for the timely provision of all of the segment’s CR-related data. This includes provision of CR data of subsidiaries. To that end, this CR Controlling area communicates regularly with the CR data controllers at the subsidiaries.

Managing boards of legal entities

Responsible for implementation of strategy, instructions, and targets within their own legal entities. In this connection, they report to their own segments and carry out CR governance in keeping with business requirements.

CR manager

The central contact person, with regard to CR issues, within the relevant legal entity. The CR manager adapts the company’s CR strategy to the legal entity’s requirements and coordinates CR-related activities within the legal entity.

CR Controlling, legal entity

Collects and consolidates the data required for the legal entity’s quantitative KPIs, and reports the data to the legal entity’s segment


Responsible for making sustainability an integral part of their own topic areas and tasks, and for reporting on sustainability in keeping with requirements pertaining to reporting, ratings. and rankings. Depending on the scope of their tasks, departments are free to define roles akin to those of a CR manager / CR controller.

CR Board

Group-wide body that advises on CR-strategy development, consults with regard to Group-wide positions, and coordinates implementation of the CR strategy in the Group units

CR Data Board

A body that manages data acquisition and reporting processes involving GCR, Controlling and contracted service providers – especially service providers contracted by DTSE

CR Manager Network

Group-wide platform for all staff responsible for CR in segments, legal entities, and functions, for the purposes of sharing know-how and experience and ensuring information is passed on quickly and directly

Working groups & ambassadors

Informal platforms for promoting and coordinating sustainability-related volunteering

The overall responsibility for Corporate Responsibility (CR) lies with our Board of Management; it deliberates and decides on important matters pertaining to CR. The Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR) department develops Group-wide policies and guidelines with the goal of steadily advancing the corporate culture with regard to sustainable innovation and social responsibility. As of January 1, 2022, GCR has been transferred from the Board of Management department for Human Resources and Legal Affairs into the area of the Chief Executive Officer. By taking this step, and including ESG img targets in Board of Management remuneration in 2021, the Supervisory Board and Board of Management highlighted the great importance that Corporate Responsibility has for our Group. In the year under review, the members of the Board of Management discussed sustainability topics and decided on the future development of individual topics in a variety of dialog formats. In addition to the Board of Management meetings, a separate meeting was held in this framework to discuss the topics in more detail. The Supervisory Board was also informed regularly about sustainability topics.

The managements of the different business units and national companies are responsible for implementing our CR strategy. To coordinate their tasks and learn from each other, CR managers and employees from CR relevant functions joined an international network under the leadership of GCR. During the year under review, this network included more than 200 employees from around 50 companies in 20 different countries. The participants have the opportunity to learn more about best practices and discuss new challenges. The agenda of the regular virtual meetings in 2022 included current developments in international climate protection and the impact of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act for the Group, among other topics.

Our CR Policy img provides the formal, mandatory framework for the sustainability management activities at all Group units. The CR Policy has also been successfully introduced in a majority of European national companies since 2017. We updated it in 2022. The revised version will be implemented throughout the Group in 2023. The CR managers in the individual segments and legal units are involved in the ratification of the CR Policy in the Group’s subsidiaries. If specific obstacles to implementation become apparent – due to local legal requirements, for example – a solution that satisfies the strategic key statements of the Policy is sought in a dialog with the responsible bodies. Should a solution not be found within the previously agreed time frame, the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management is to be consulted as the final escalation and decision-making body. The involved authorities are then called upon to state their arguments and the circumstances accordingly.

Melanie Kubin

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Melanie Kubin-Hardewig


Reporting against standards


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 

  • GRI 2-15 (General Disclosures)

Global Compact

  • Principle 7 (Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges)
  • Principle 8 (Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility)
  • Principle 9 (Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies)