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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Emerging risks

Emerging risks img are difficult to predict, because their future development is extremely uncertain. They involve events that are beyond our influence and control, such as geopolitical tension, new technologies, or macroeconomic factors. These risks are either new or become significantly more significant for our company over time. Even if they already impact our business today, their impact can grow in the long term (three to five years) and potentially impede most of our activities to a much greater extent in the future.     

We need to act early and effectively to identify and assess risks like this and protect our company and our customers from them. This could even require adjustment of our strategy and/or our business models to mitigate their impact. To enable us to respond to such risks comprehensively, our risk management system must systematically identify and assess these emerging risks, to derive mitigating measures.

We describe the emerging risks that are becoming increasingly important to us here.