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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 & 2 emissions) KPI

Our CO2 emissions are largely driven by our electricity consumption. That’s why the table below contains very detailed information about the Group numbers for the Scope 2 emissions img resulting from our electricity consumption. We differentiate between the market-based and location-based methods, thereby adhering to the GHG Protocol img Scope 2 Guidance. Market- and location-based emissions are reported in CO2 equivalents img (CO2e). This change was made in order to allow a transparent comparison between Scope 1 to 3 emissions and to be consistent with the requirements of the Science-Based Targets Initiative, to which the new target is also geared.

The leading reporting method is the market-based approach. This method is used to calculate emissions with a specific emissions factor (provider factor) per DT company. This factor depends on a company’s actual energy procurement (electricity mix); procuring renewable energy (direct purchase, certificates) reduces emissions.a)

In contrast to the market-based method, with the location-based method the emissions factors for the respective country are used (the country mix factor of the International Energy Agency (IEA)). A company’s actual energy procurement (electricity mix) is hence not taken into account, i.e., not even the procurement of renewable energy over and above the country mix.

Change compared to 2020: The Scope 2 emissions calculated according to the market-based method are about 99 percent lower. The significant change compared to 2020 results from the Group-wide use of green electricity, PPAs and certificates. Since 2021, we have covered 100 percent of our electricity consumption throughout the Group from renewable sources, thus achieving one of our climate targets.

Reporting against standards


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • GRI 305-1 (Emissions)
  • GRI 305-2 (Emissions)

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD img)

  • The most important key figures for measuring and managing climate-related opportunities and risks

German Sustainability Code

  • Criterion 11 (Usage of Natural Resources)
  • Criterion 12 (Resource Management)
  • Criterion 13 (Climate-Relevant Emissions)

Global Compact

  • Principle 7 (Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges)
  • Principle 8 (Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility)

European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS)

  • E02-01 (GHG Emissions)