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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Part-time employees Deutsche Telekom Group KPI

We believe it is important to offer our staff flexible working conditions that fit their needs at every stage of their lives. This includes the opportunity to work part-time, but also the guaranteed option of returning to work when the employee no longer wants to work part-time. We also offer this to young parents so that they can balance starting their career through training or a part-time cooperative study course with the demands of family life as a single parent. Part-time training is available in all of our training programs, and means apprentices spend 25 hours per week either in the company, in school, or in the training center. The highlight: like all apprentices, part-time apprentices can cut their training to two and a half years and therefore apply for a job earlier than would have otherwise been possible. A success model all round, since Deutsche Telekom also benefits from the young people’s commitment.

Reporting against standards


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • GRI 2-7 (General Disclosures)