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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Transparency information on lobbying expenditures

No general definition of lobbying expenditures is available to date. For this reason, we publish our lobbying expenditures in Germany in accordance with the applicable transparency requirements at the federal level (pursuant to the act on introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the German Government [Lobby Register Act-LobbyRG]) and in the states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (pursuant to the Transparency Registration Act [TReg] in Baden-Württemberg and the Bavarian Lobby Registration Act [BayLobbyRG]), in Brussels (pursuant to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 May 2021 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on a mandatory transparency register), and in Washington for T-Mobile US (pursuant to the Lobbying Disclosure Act [LDA]).

Our guiding principle is to respect the independence and integrity of our political interlocutors – which is why we welcome the introduction of a lobbying and transparency register at the European level and in Germany, and registered as one of the first companies (EU) and on time (in Germany on February 28, 2022). 

Lobbying expenditures 2022 in accordance with applicable transparency rules

Area covered by reporting requirements Lobbying expenditure (2022)   Relevant transparency rule detailing legal requirements and respective definition of lobbying expenditures.
Deutsche Telekom AG / German Bundestag and Federal Government 660 000 EUR*) [1]   Act Introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government (Lobbying Register Act – Lobbyregistergesetz) [6]
Deutsche Telekom AG / State Parliament and State Government of Baden-Württemberg 65 000 EUR*) [2]   Transparency Register Act (Transparenzregistergesetz – TRegG) [7]
Deutsche Telekom AG / Bavarian Parliament and Bavarian State Government 110 000 EUR*) [3]   Bavarian Lobby Register Act (BayLobbyRG) [8]
Deutsche Telekom AG / European Parliament and European Commission 2 249 999 EUR*) [4]   Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 May 2021 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on a mandatory transparency register [9]
T-Mobile USA / Federal Government of the US 049 000 USD*) [5]   Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) [10]

1) Lobbyregister

2) Landtag Baden-Württemberg

3) Landtag Bayern

4) Transparency Register

5) United States Senate Lobbying Disclosure

6) Bundestag

7) Landtag Baden-Württemberg

8) Bayerische Staatskanzlei

9) EUR-Lex

10) Lobbying Disclosure Act Guidance

* The different information is not directly comparable due to the applicable legal regulations in each country. To the extent that lobbying expenditures must be specified as a range according to the requirements of the respective register, the upper value of the range is specified.