
Artificial intelligence
July, 2023

Transparency disclosures on lobbying expenditures

As there is currently no comprehensive definition of lobbying expenses, we are guided by the applicable transparency requirements and publish the lobb...

As there is currently no comprehensive definition of lobbying expenses, we are guided by the applicable transparency requirements and publish the lobbying expenses
in Germany at federal level (in accordance with the “Act Introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government [Lobbying Register Act – Lobbyregistergesetz”] -> and in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (according to the Transparency Register Act [TReg]in Baden-Württemberg -> and the Bavarian Lobby Register Act [BayLobbyRG] ->, in Brussels (in accordance with the "Agreement between the European Parliament and the European Commission on the transparency register for organizations and self-employed individuals engaged in EU policy-making and policy implementation" -> ) and in Washington for T-Mobile USA (in accordance with the "Lobbying Disclosure Act [LDA]" -> ).

We are guided by the principle of respecting the independence and integrity of our political interlocutors. For this reason, we welcomed the creation of the lobbying and transparency registers at European level and in Germany from the outset and accordingly registered as one of the first companies (EU) or on time (on February 28th, 2022 in Germany).

Lobbying expenditures 2022 in accordance with applicable transparency rules

Area covered by reporting requirements Lobbying expenditure (2022) Relevant transparency rule detailing legal requirements and respective definition of lobbying expenditures.
Deutsche Telekom AG / German Bundestag and Federal Government 2.660.000 EUR *) [1] Act Introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government (Lobbying Register Act – Lobbyregistergesetz) [6]
Deutsche Telekom AG / State Parliament and State Government of Baden-Württemberg 65.000 EUR *) [2] Transparency Register Act (Transparenzregistergesetz – TRegG) [7]
Deutsche Telekom AG / Bavarian Parliament and Bavarian State Government 110.000 EUR *) [3] Bavarian Lobby Register Act (BayLobbyRG) [8]
Deutsche Telekom AG / European Parliament and European Commission 2.249.999 EUR *) [4] Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 May 2021 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on a mandatory transparency register [9]
T-Mobile USA / Federal Government of the US 9.049.000 USD *) [5] Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) [10]


*) The various disclosures are not directly comparable with each other, as they refer to the legal requirements applicable in each case. If lobbying expenses are to be specified in a range according to the specifications of the respective register, the upper value of the range is given.

June, 2023

References to Information published by Deutsche Telekom Major Group Companies and Respective Overview

Deutsche Telekom comprises a number of major subsidiaries operating in different countries respectively regions. Several of them are listed stock corp...

Deutsche Telekom comprises a number of major subsidiaries operating in different countries respectively regions. Several of them are listed stock corporations in their own right and publish as such comprehensive information on their respective sub-group, including inter alia their subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes. In order to access such information, please find the following references to the sub-group reportings for 2020 & 2021:

  1. T-Mobile US
    a) T-Mobile US - Annual Report 2020 
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages 28, 29, 35, 38, 47-49, 57-58, 77-78, 113-115 etc.
    b) T-Mobile US - Annual Report 2021
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages  33, 36, 72, 45-47, 53, 71, 103-105 etc.
    c) T-Mobile US - Annual Report 2022
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/ losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages 32, 34, 42-44, 49, 68-69, 101-103

  2. OTE
    a) OTE - Annual Report 2020
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Greece-subsidiary, see pages 97-98, 102-105, 114 etc.
    b) OTE - Annual Report 2021
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Greece-subsidiary, see pages 108-109, 113-116, 125 etc.
    c) OTE – Annual Report 2022 to be published soon; check OTE Annual Report Website

    a) MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2020
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 15, 17, 21, 57-60, 74, 88 etc.
    b) MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2021
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 6-10, 14, 52-56, 69, 82 etc.
    c) MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2022
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 7-11, 15, 20, 60-63, 205-207 etc.

  4. Hrvatski Telekom
    a) Hrvatski Telekom_Croatia_Annual Report 2020
    Comment Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 44-45, 52-58, 76-77, 92-97,112-113, 122-123 etc.
    b) Hrvatski Telekom_Croatia_Annual Report 2021
    Comment Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 46-47, 54-60, 76-77, 92-97,112-113, 122-123 etc.
    c) Hrvatski Telekom_Croatia_Annual Report 2022
    Comment Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 42-43, 47-52, 64-67, 78-83, 100, 110-111 etc.

Furthermore, there are also several other unlisted subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom that publish comprehensive relevant information. In order to access such information, please find the following references to their reportings for 2020, 2021 & 2022:

  1. T-Mobile Czech
    a) T-Mobile Czech_Annual Report 2020
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Czech Republic Holding-subsidiary, see pages 12-13, 14-17, 73-74, 91-92, 96, 104-105, 107 etc.
    b) T-Mobile Czech_Annual Report 2021
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Czech Republic Holding-subsidiary, see pages 14-15, 18-19, 78, 90-91, 108, 134 etc.
    c) T-Mobile Czech annual report for 2022 to be published soon; check T-Mobile Czech-website T-Mobile CZ Website

  2. Slovak Telekom
    a) Slovak Telekom Annual Report 2020
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Slovak Telekom Group, see pages 13-16, 17, 32-34, 36, 59-60 etc.
    b) Slovak Telekom Annual Report 2021
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Slovak Telekom Group, see pages 14-17, 18, 32-24, 36, 61-62 etc.
    c) Slovak Telekom Annual Report 2022
    Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Slovak Telekom Group, see pages 14-18, 36-38, 55, 67-68 etc.

 Additional information on each tax jurisdiction in which Deutsche Telekom operates, including names of all resident entities, primary activities, number of employees, revenue, profit (loss) before tax, income tax accrued (current year) and income tax paid are published as well at: Deutsche Telekom Country-by-Country Reporting CbC 2021 and Country-by-Country Reporting CbC 2022
