DT AG Health, Safety and Environment Management System and for Quality Management System
As a large corporation, Telekom assumes responsibility for environmental protection. Uniform environmental standards ensure that resource-saving behavior is anchored in all processes and in the daily behavior of employees. To this end, the Group has implemented an HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) management system in all fully consolidated companies.
There are internationally recognized standards for environmental protection in companies, such as the ISO standards (standards of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO for short). These form the basis for environmental management at Telekom. This ensures that environmental policy is implemented uniformly throughout the Group.
Telekom in Germany has been working in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management systems since 1998. Compliance with the ISO standard enables, among other things, resources to be used more efficiently, energy to be saved and waste to be avoided. Employees help to further increase environmental friendliness with their own suggestions.
Telekom's commitment goes far beyond the issue of climate protection: Since 2010, a uniform Group-wide HSE management system has been in place. HSE stands for the three main topics of health, safety and environment. The international standards for occupational health and safety, environmental management and quality management serve as the basis for this.
Employees and experts from all Deutsche Telekom national companies regularly exchange information and jointly develop a comprehensive management system. Internal and external audits are conducted regularly to verify that the requirements of the HSE management system are consistently implemented in the company's day-to-day operations.
Here you can find the manual for our central Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE MS) of Deutsche Telekom Group. This means that it covers 100% of all Deutsche Telekom units.
Migration to IP technology
Internet access on planes
Together with satellite company Inmarsat, Deutsche Telekom is offering the fastest inflight broadband service for European travelers.
The European Aviation Network (EAN) has been developed by Inmarsat and Deutsche Telekom in partnership with leading European companies such as Thales, Nokia, Airbus, and Cobham. It marks a paradigm shift in the airline passenger experience, with incomparable speeds, uninterrupted coverage and significantly lower latency than any other inflight Wi-Fi network in the continent.
The award-winning connectivity solution has been available to over 85 million passengers to date, travelling on more than 650.000 flights throughout Europe, covering key destinations such as London, Madrid, Barcelona, Geneva and Rome. EAN has now been activated in 275 aircraft and is currently available with British Airways, Iberia, Vueling and Aegean Airlines.
Digital Solutions: Connected Car – preventing traffic jams with connected cars
T-Systems has been developing and operating Daimler’s Connected Car platform (Daimler vehicle backend) worldwide since 2013. The platform is the technical basis for the Live Traffic service, which provides drivers with real-time traffic information, Live Traffic prevents about 30 percent of traffic jams per vehicle. This means the approximately 24 million vehicles equipped with Live Traffic consumed about 26 million liters less fuel. This translates into CO2 savings of around 65,000 metric tons.
Digital Solutions: SHOW – Connecting automated vehicle fleets with the main axes of local public transport, making urban mobility more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Project goal:
SHOW aims to support the deployment of shared, connected and electrified automation in urban transport, to advance sustainable urban mobility.
- Demonstrations in 20 cities across Europe
- Integration of automated fleets in Public Transport
- Including 69 partners from 13 EU-countries
- International cooperation with organizations from the US, South Korea, Australia and China
- Reduction of 20% energy consumption and 10% emissions
- Reduction of overall number of private vehicles through intelligent combination of smart Public Transport solutions
- Improved traffic flow
- Establish new business models and improve virtual validation
Collaboration for the protection of minors
We want to create a safe and positive online experience for children and young people. We offer them attractive, exciting content on age-appropriate websites.
Supporting standardized child protection offers
We became a member of the non-profit organization JusProg e.V. in 2016. Its software protects children and young people on the internet by blocking certain content.
This software has been officially recognized as a general child protection program in Germany in accordance with statutory requirements (JMStV). The software was most recently evaluated in March 2017.
We donated the rights to the program codes behind our child protection software (Windows) and our child protection app, Surfgarten, (iPhone/iPad) to JusProg e.V.
Commitment to FSM
We are a founding member and part of the executive board of FSM, the Association for the Voluntary Self-Monitoring for Multimedia Service Providers. The association published the “Index for Youth Media Protection” for the first time in 2017. The 2018 youth media protection report specifically addressed teachers and educational specialists.