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Telekom CR-facts
Soziales [1] June, 2021

Human Rights due Diligence Process: Groups and Issues at risk covered

At Deutsche Telekom we are committed to acting responsibly, in everything that we do. As a global leader in telecommunication solutions, our goal is t...

At Deutsche Telekom we are committed to acting responsibly, in everything that we do. As a global leader in telecommunication solutions, our goal is to contribute positively to the major societal and ecological developments of our age. We understand that universal human rights are a prerequisite for these ambitions. Conducting regularly human rights impact assessments is important and an ongoing activity for us. In our due diligence risk identification process we cover several topics. We respect all the fundamental human rights laid out in the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Core Labour Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. We spell out this commitment in our Code of Human Rights and further policies and regulations. We are dedicated to respecting human rights and strive to prevent adverse human rights impacts related to our operations, our suppliers, and our customers at the global or local level.
We have developed a comprehensive human rights due diligence programme in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our actions are informed by international standards, continuous stakeholder engagement and collaboration between our Group and local business units.

We continually assess human rights risks and impacts at Group and local level. In our risk and impact assessments process we cover several groups at risk (e.g. Own employees, women, children, suppliers, employees of suppliers, migrant workers, communities, Indigenous people, third-party contracted labor) through different methods.

In our risk and impact assessments we cover several groups at risk in our process. We continually assess human rights risks and impacts at Group and local level through different methods.
These include eg: We conduct annual sustainability risk assessments [2] across our supply chains which include human rights. We use tools such as EcoVadis, RepRisk, social audits and mobile surveys conducted by internal and external experts. We regularly conduct human rights risk assessments (HRIA) at international locations that are considered high risk. This includes actual or potential human rights issues, we cover regularly, such as: Forced and child labor, human trafficking, freedom of association, discrimination and diversity topics, right to collective bargaining, health and safety topics and equal remuneration. Please see more information via this link [3].
We follow a systematic approach to monitoring all our local functions’ adherence to our Employee Relations Policy, considering their specific local contexts. Focus topics include wages, non-discrimination, freedom of expression, virtual work, diversity and work-life-balance. You can read
We acknowledge that human rights focus areas may change as our business evolves and commit to continuously review and amend these topic areas and related human rights due diligence activities.
