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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Awards for climate protection

Climate protection in the supply chain
Working on behalf of investors, the non-governmental organization CDP img regularly assesses the climate protection activities of listed companies worldwide and compiles an index img of leading companies, referred to as the A List. In 2022, Deutsche Telekom was included in this list for the seventh time in a row.

In 2017, we reported our ESG KPI imgCDP supply chain program” for the first time. It shows the degree to which our procurement volume from carbon-intensive suppliers is covered by the CDP Supply Chain Program.

As part of the CDP supplier program, companies ask their key suppliers about their emissions and their climate strategy. 247 suppliers participated in the CDP supplier program. These cover without T-Mobile US 52 percent of our procurement volume (2021: 72 percent for the Group incl. T-Mobile US).The number of invited suppliers was 445.

Through our commitment to climate transparency in supply chains, we were awarded a place in the “Supplier Engagement Leader Board” for the fourth time in a row in 2022.