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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

ESG KPI “Renewable Energy” KPI

The ESG KPI img “Renewable Energy” is calculated as renewable energy’s share in meeting the Group’s total electricity requirements. Since 2021, we have been sourcing 100 percent of the electricity we use, throughout the Group, from renewable energy sources. By reaching this milestone, we have achieved one of our climate targets.

We are working to reduce our energy consumption overall, by improving our energy efficiency and implementing energy-saving measures. In the efficiency measures, for example, we combine technology that is only partially utilized, thereby reducing the total number and thus power consumption. We are also replacing rectifiers that require significantly less energy to convert AC voltage to DC voltage. We achieve further savings with intelligent control in the access network, in which energy is adjusted precisely to demand or the power consumption of individual antennas is reduced at times of low load.

The electricity requirements that remain are met with renewable energy. Also, we are aiming to increase our own electricity generation, and to have Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) meet larger and larger shares of our power use. As of the end of 2022, 28 percent of the power we used throughout the Group was obtained via PPAs. By 2025, this figure is expected to reach 50 percent. Although we meet our power requirements wherever possible via PPAs, our own power generation and direct purchases, capacity limitations require us to also depend on sources for which guarantees of origin (GOs) come into play. GOs are an important element in our efforts to meet 100 percent of our electricity requirements via renewable energy sources and thereby achieve our climate target in this area.

Share of renewable energy in the total electricity consumption (in percent)

Reporting against standards


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • GRI 302-1 (Energy)

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD img)

  • The most important key figures for measuring and managing climate-related opportunities and risks