
July, 2024

Total solid waste management

 Unit2020202120222023Total waste recycled/reusedmetric tonnes72,07879,70482,43851,526Total waste disposedmetric tonnes78,41486,63691,10986,921- Waste...
  Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total waste recycled/reused metric tonnes 72,078 79,704 82,438 51,526
Total waste disposed metric tonnes 78,414 86,636 91,109 86,921
- Waste landfilled metric tonnes 1,255 1,386 1,458 17,216
- Waste incinerated with energy recovery metric tonnes 5,081 5,546 7,213 18,179
- Waste incinerated without energy recovery metric tonnes 0 0 0 0
- waste otherwise disposed metric tonnes 72,078 79,704 82,438 51,526

July, 2024


Commitment to biodiversity conservationDeutsche Telekom is deeply committed to biodiversity conservation, actively protecting natural resources and ec...

Commitment to biodiversity conservation

Deutsche Telekom is deeply committed to biodiversity conservation, actively protecting natural resources and ecosystems throughout our value chain. We conduct biodiversity assessments to mitigate negative effects on species and habitats, ensuring sustainable procurement, promoting reforestation, and enhancing resource efficiency.

In 2022, we conducted a double materiality analysis, updated in 2023, to identify the negative and positive impacts of our activities across the value chain on the environment, society, and human rights. This analysis, aligned with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), assessed 34 issues, including biodiversity. While biodiversity was not identified as a material issue in our direct operations, Deutsche Telekom's commitment to sustainability leads us to take responsibility for biodiversity throughout our entire value chain.

Integrating biodiversity in the company-wide risk management process

Integrating biodiversity risk assessments into our comprehensive, multi-disciplinary company-wide risk management processes is essential. This helps us fully understand and mitigate environmental impacts, a key aspect of our human rights' due diligence and risk assessment, including under the German Supply Chain Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). During these assessments, we evaluate the environmental practices of suppliers, focusing on habitat destruction, pollution, and unsustainable resource extraction, as part of our commitment to address biodiversity risks.

Biodiversity risk assessment process with the ENCORE Tool builds on renown methodologies and frameworks

Biodiversity risk assessments are vital for understanding the environmental impact of business operations. One effective method is through the ENCORE Tool (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks, and Exposure), which helps identify and manage risks related to biodiversity. In 2023 Deutsche Telekom completed a biodiversity risk assessment with the ENCORE-Tool which employs various methodologies and frameworks to ensure a comprehensive assessment (such as ESRS - European Sustainability Reporting Standards E4, TNFD - Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, SBTN - Science-based targets for nature, the EU-Taxonomy, CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project, GRI - Global Reporting Initiative, SASB - Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).

Scope of our biodiversity risk assessment

The scope of the analysis conducted by Deutsche Telekom included the entire value chain, encompassing upstream activities, own operations, and downstream activities. The analysis focused on the identification of impact-related biodiversity risks, such as the use of terrestrial ecosystems, across all stages of the value-chain. Additionally, it considered dependency-related biodiversity risks like flood and storm protection by asking: "Which dependencies are crucial for Deutsche Telekom in the individual products/services?". The analysis of these factors helped us identify both dependency-related and impact-related risks.

Dependency-related and impact-related biodiversity risks identified along the value chain

Through cumulative scoring, Deutsche Telekom identified hot spots along the value chain where biodiversity impacts are most significant.

Source: Deutsche Telekom

The analysis showed that four stages of its value-chain are potentially relevant from a biodiversity perspective whilst five impact drivers were identified as relevant (non-GHG pollutants, solid waste, GHG emissions, disturbances and terrestrial ecosystem use). A further analysis of the impact drivers of our activities will focus primarily on the value-chain stages with a high-risk score, i.e. raw material extraction, production, installation and disposal/ recycling. This process will allow us to prioritize areas for intervention and mitigation, ensuring targeted and effective biodiversity conservation efforts.

In terms of dependencies, the same dependencies were identified for all stages of the value chain, with climate regulation and flood and storm protection being said to have the greatest dependency. These dependencies prevent the destruction of relevant infrastructure, production sites and our locations.

Source: Deutsche Telekom

Internal assessment with GSMA

To deepen its assessment on biodiversity, Deutsche Telekom entered a biodiversity project group that is currently researching on the impact of the mobile sector on nature (incl. biodiversity). The project is in its second phase in collaboration with GSMA, Quantis and 40 other mobile operators to develop a sector guidance on nature for the mobile sector, with an expanded scope on the operators and a geographic focus. The project group utilizes a comprehensive set of methodologies and frameworks to conduct its analysis. These include CSRD, SBTi - Science-based target Initiative, TNFD, SBTN, and CDP.

The first phase of the analysis was structured around 5 steps:

  1. Identify and scope– in this phase methodologies, tools and databases for assessing material biodiversity risk and opportunities where reviewed.
  2. Investigate and align– this phase aimed at understanding the scope of operations, terms used, data availability & constraints.
  3. Assess and map– in this phase a high-level qualitative materiality assessment was conducted, identifying the most material dependencies and impacts on biodiversity across the GSMA member value chain.
  4. Interpret and prioritise– the aim in this phase was to prioritise activities likely to have the most significant impact on biodiversity, covering both the direct impact as well as indirect impacts across the value chain. For each main driver of nature loss, the group identified the priority commodities, sourcing locations and operational sites, based on their contribution to nature loss and GSMA & the mobile network operators' sphere of influence.
  5. Plan and prepare– in this phase next steps for GSMA and the mobile network operators on biodiversity assessment and compliance/alignment with reporting were recommended

Identification of the Greatest Impacts on Nature

In the own operations of mobile operators, the greatest impacts on nature have been identified on the resource exploitation and on climate change through energy use as emissions from energy use contribute to climate change, which in turn affects biodiversity through altered ecosystems and habitats.

Source: Quantis, Sponsor: GSMA

Many activities in the upstream value chain, such as material sourcing and manufacturing processes, have substantial impacts on biodiversity. These activities influence at least five of the six natural indicators, including water quality, habitat integrity, and species diversity.

Source: Quantis, Sponsor: GSMA

Identification of "Key Activities" for Evaluation

Several activities have been identified for further evaluation due to their potential impacts on nature, both in own operations (e.g. infrastructure expansion, data centers and the maintenance of access roads) and in the upstream value chain (especially mining and the production and construction of infrastructures).


To effectively guide the further development of the biodiversity strategy for mobile operators, the biodiversity project group has outlined several key recommendations which are designed to not only mitigate the adverse impacts of mobile operators on nature but also to drive substantial improvements in sustainability and biodiversity conservation. These recommendations include strengthened cooperation with suppliers through e.g. traceability initiatives and eco-design considerations and the improvement of data centers through the switch to renewable energies or innovative cooling systems.

For the mobile operators to genuinely work towards no net loss of biodiversity, the project group recommends setting clear, quantifiable biodiversity-related targets for priority areas. These targets should be aligned with global biodiversity goals and tailored to the specific impacts of the mobile industry.

The implementation of these recommendations and the definition of clear biodiversity-related targets will serve as a robust foundation for the continued development and refinement of the biodiversity strategy of Deutsche Telekom, ensuring that we contribute positively to the preservation and enhancement of global biodiversity.

November, 2023

Biodiversity impact-analysis

In 2023, we did an in-depth analysis of biodiversity-related impacts and dependencies based on the parameters of the ENCORE tool. In own operations, n...

In 2023, we did an in-depth analysis of biodiversity-related impacts and dependencies based on the parameters of the ENCORE tool. In own operations, no high dependency on water resources (ground water, surface water, water quality) has been identified. Thus, water-stress areas are not of concern for our operations.

September, 2023

Squad Digital Ethics@DT - Description and responsibilities

The Digital Ethics Squad deals with the further development, support and implementation of the topic of "digital ethics" in the Deutsche Telekom Group...

The Digital Ethics Squad deals with the further development, support and implementation of the topic of "digital ethics" in the Deutsche Telekom Group, also with a view to the upcoming AI regulation of the EU. We develop and support governance for digital ethics (strategy, development, framework conditions, processes...) also within the framework of corporate digital responsibility. 

Our team is made up of colleagues from Group Compliance, T-Labs, DT Service, L&I Legal Services, Group Privacy, L&I GPRA, L&I Patent & Brand, VTI Tel-IT. The squad also works closely networked and on an ad hoc basis with experts from the GPRA, VTI-SEC, MMS, COM, TD GK, TSI Cloud Strategy, TSI health, Risk Management, GST, Legal Tech areas as well as contacts from the international units. 

We analyse the developments in the economy and legislation as well as the current situation in the Group in order to meet the upcoming EU requirements for the use of artificial intelligence (AI). We are working on proposals for a systematic and appropriate implementation of the legal EU requirements in the Deutsche Telekom Group in order to exploit opportunities, build trust and avoid liability. To this end, we are working with VTI to establish a mandatory assessment for all AI applications in the Group. 

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding digital ethics, mailto:Digital-Ethics@telekom.de


July, 2023

CDP Reporting

Deutsche Telekom annually reports to the CDP questionnaires 'Climate Change' and 'Supply Chain Program'. CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project,...

Deutsche Telekom annually reports to the CDP questionnaires 'Climate Change' and 'Supply Chain Program'. CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, runs a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts.
In 2022, we once again made it onto the “A List” of CDP’s most important international climate protection ranking – one of just 288 companies worldwide to do so out of more than 15 000 that were scored.

We’re working closely together with our suppliers to reduce our carbon footprint during the manufacturing and usage phases of our products, too. For the fifth time, CDP has awarded us the title of “Supplier Engagement Leader” in recognition of our achievements. Out of 18 600 participating companies, more than 650 made it onto the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard.

Our annual reporting on Deutsche Telekom`s climate performance through CDP's global disclosure system:
2022 CDP Climate Change Response
2023 CDP Climate Change Response

July, 2023

Update of the materiality analysis for the reporting year 2022 with regard to regulatory requirements

For around two decades, we have been identifying the issues relevant to the orientation of our sustainability strategy and our reporting on the basis...

For around two decades, we have been identifying the issues relevant to the orientation of our sustainability strategy and our reporting on the basis of a materiality process which we continuously develop and review annually to ensure it is up to date. Decisive for the further development in 2022 were changed requirements of the GRI Standards 2021 as well as the requirements of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will become relevant for our reporting from the reporting year 2024. In accordance with the CSRD requirements, the topics were assessed according to the principle of double materiality.
In the course of a document analysis, all topics along the value chain were analyzed on the basis of sources such as studies, research results or internal guidelines and measures - and thus the perspective of external stakeholders was included.

The following shows how the integration of regulatory requirements from the CSRD affected the materiality analysis.

The initial situation: Material topics according to materiality analysis 2021

An overview of which sustainability topics from the 2021 materiality analysis are also relevant from the perspective of regulatory requirements according to CSRD is presented in the materiality matrix. In the materiality matrix, the material topics are prioritized according to the level of their impact on Telekom and their impact on society.

As a result of our focus on the ESRS standards, the following topics from our prior materiality analyses will no longer be considered as independent topics in the new materiality analysis:

  • Network expansion
  • ICT solutions that contribute to climate protection
  • Limiting the effects of climate change
  • Data security
  • Supply chain labor standards
  • Socially relevant applications of ICT products and services
  • Media literacy
  • Transparency and reporting
  • Service quality
  • Disruptive technologies

These topics have been integrated in the new topics (see figure below). For example, “ICT solutions that contribute to climate protection” have a positive impact on the topics “Energy consumption and mix” and “Greenhouse gas emissions.” The topic “Network expansion” is a focus of the value creation stages “Networks and data centers” and was consequently taken into account in all topics. As a result, the topic of network expansion is essential over individual topics, for example, in "Greenhouse gas emissions".

Responsibility within the Group for the materiality analysis and external audit
The materiality analysis is part of our non-financial statement and has thus been subjected to a limited assurance engagement by an external auditing firm. The Company's management is responsible for the preparation of the non-financial statement in accordance with §§ 289c to 289e, 315c in conjunction with 289c to 289e HGB. The Board of Directors is thus the highest body that signed-off the materiality analysis (see “Independent assurance report Non-financial Reporting”, CR report 2022, page 188).

July, 2023

Lobbying and Trade Associations - Climate Alignment

Public Affairs and TransparencyWe see ourselves as a dialog partner in an ever more complex digital world and are actively involved in political debat...

Public Affairs and Transparency
We see ourselves as a dialog partner in an ever more complex digital world and are actively involved in political debate – responsible, fair, and based on facts. Deutsche Telekom engages directly with policy makers as well as indirectly via trade associations, the latter being the cornerstone of the public relations activities by Deutsche Telekom Group.
For the management of our lobbying activities and trade association memberships, our guiding principle is to respect the independence and integrity of our political interlocutors. We do not make any donations to political organizations, political parties, or elected officials on principle. Our lobby work is characterized by accurate, objective preparation of the facts at hand. When we avail ourselves of scientific support, we always do so transparently.

Code of Conduct and Compliance
We have made a public written commitment to ethical standards of behavior and enshrined these in our strict, extensive compliance program (Code of Conduct), including Deutsche Telekom’s guidelines political contributions. Our Code of Conduct is the central governance framework for lawful and ethical conduct. Integrity, respect, and compliance with the law and internal policies and regulations – these are the principles on which Deutsche Telekom’s business activities are based.
Deutsche Telekom’s code of conduct and compliance policies sum up the values of Deutsche Telekom and define what kind of behavior is required by those who work for it. The Code of Conduct applies to all board members, managing directors, executives and employees of the Deutsche Telekom worldwide. Additionally, it applies to people to who are viewed as equivalent to employees in functional terms, e. g. to temporary agency employees.
Telekom has a holistic compliance management system (CMS) in place to ensure conduct with integrity and in compliance with the law throughout the Group at all times and to successfully counter compliance risks.

Supporting the Paris Agreement
We are helping to mitigate climate change and contributing to compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. We are a member of the Science Based Targets Initiative and have developed a science-based reduction target for Deutsche Telekom to make our contribution for limiting global warming. Additionally, Deutsche Telekom has committed to conduct engagement activities in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Deutsche Telekom supports regulations promoting the transition towards a 1.5° world e.g. via industry associations and by supporting various pledges with respect to the support of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015.

Alignment of our political engagement with the Paris Agreement
Deutsche Telekom has a process in place to ensure that political engagement activities are consistent with the overall climate change strategy. Due to intensive cooperation between Group Corporate Responsibility, Group Corporate Communications and Group Public and Regulatory affairs we ensure that our engagement within industry associations is in line with group climate strategy and policy. Therefore, sustainability experts are representing DT in various associations, as e.g. within the GeSI Board or as Cahir of the ETNO Environmental Working Group.
We reviewed whether public policy engagements and lobbying are aligned with the Paris Agreement and found many of our trade association’s positions and lobbying activities are aligned with the aims of the Paris Agreement.

 In some instances, our trade associations’ policy positions and lobbying activities may not fully align with our positions on issues, including the Paris Agreement’s goals and other sustainability topics. For those trade associations where we determined we are only partially aligned on issues relating to climate, to mitigate any misalignment, we expect to engage further with these trade associations to understand their positions better, work to influence change and finally, assess whether our membership should continue. Additionally, as we work to mitigate any misalignment related to climate, it is essential to consider other factors relevant to company interests, such as safety or diversity and inclusion. We believe that having a seat at the table with our trade associations allows us to communicate our views and influence the dialogue and activities in a manner that aligns with our commitment to sustainability and the long-term interests of our shareholders and other stakeholders, including around transparency and reporting.

In future reports, we may look to provide updated information on alignment with climate change aims and, where there is any misalignment, information on mitigating efforts.

Trade association Company involvement with association General description of association and climate position Alignment
B.A.U.M e.V. Membership Association of companies in Germany, committed to environmental oriented management and behaviour. The network is engaged in: (1) awareness raising on problems and chances of environmental protection and questions on sustainable development within companies, institutions, politics, and population in Germany, (2) the distribution and further development of an integrated system of preventative ecological oriented management, and (3) the introduction of methods and measurements on environmental management and sustainable development. B.A.U.M. also launched the "Wirtschaft pro Klima" initiative. Aligned
BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e. V. Member of the Executive Committee,
Timotheus Höttges, CEO, Deutsche Telekom AG
In the last years the BDI position advanced with respect to the general support for climate regulations and the EU Green Deal. Due to the heterogeneity regarding industries, there are sometimes differences with respect to regulatory details, e.g. regarding timelines and exceptions.  Despite the progress made, we are still not fully aligned with the BDI position with respect to speed and ambition level of climate change mitigation activities. Partially aligned
Bitkom e.V.

Member of the Executive Committee and Vice-President,
Michael Hagsphil, SVP Global Strategic Projects and Marketing Partnerships, Deutsche Telekom AG

Generally, Bitkom is supporting climate related positions, especially with respect to the enabling role of digital technologies and solutions, but as Bitkom is dominated by production companies, the interests, e.g. with respect to extension of product lifetimes are sometimes different from the interest of telecommunication service providers as DT. Partially aligned
econsense - Forum Nachhaltige Entwicklung der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. Membership Econsense is the sustainability network of German business. The goal of the organisation is to actively shape the transformation to a more sustainable economy and society with its members. Econsense is associated with the BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) but formally independent and based on voluntary membership.  Aligned
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association Member of the Executive Board,
Jakob Greiner, VP European Affairs, Deutsche Telekom AG
ETNO is an industry association of fixed net telecommunication providers in Europe. ETNO is currently developing a sustainability strategy with strong focus on climate protection and the impacts of telecommunications on climate to address EU political organizations, as mainly the EU Commission. ETNO is involved in various EU policy consultations with respect to "Fit for 55", circular economy and EU taxonomy. Aligned
European Green Digital Coalition Membership

The European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC) was formed by 26 CEOs of ICT companies (including Deutsche Telekom) who signed a Declaration to support the Green and Digital Transformation of the EU on Digital Day 2021. The Declaration builds on the EU Council conclusions of December 2020 on Digitalisation for the benefit of the environment and recognises the ICT sector as a key player in the fight against climate change. With the signature of the Declaration, the 26 CEOs formed the EGDC, committing on behalf of their companies to take action in the following areas:
(1) investing in the development and deployment of green digital solutions with significant energy and material efficiency that achieve a net positive impact in a wide range of sectors;
(2) developing methods and tools to measure the net impact of green digital technologies on the environment and climate by joining forces with NGOs and relevant expert organisations;
(3) co-creating, with representatives of others sectors, recommendations and guidelines for green digital transformation of these sectors that benefits environment, society and economy.

GeSI - Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative Member of the Board / Vice-Chair,
Melanie Kubin-Hardewig, VP Group Sustainability Management, Deutsche Telekom AG
GeSI aims to fulfil four major objectives: 1) Raise awareness of ICTs and related technologies’ role in addressing the causes and effects of climate change; 2) Showcase innovative initiatives being undertaken by the ICT sector in the interests of environmental sustainability, and promote the exchange of best practices between the public and private sectors; 3) Mobilize political will to better reflect the role of ICTs in the outcomes produced by the major conferences on climate change and sustainable development; 4) Encourage governments to include ICTs and related technologies as key elements of their national climate change policies, across all industry sectors. Bolstering collaboration on these main objectives, GeSI seeks to synergize the messages being expressed by actors in the ICT field; the message that ICTs can enable low-carbon economies, and that 21st century governments, regulators and businesses cannot afford to exclude ICTs from policy or business initiatives to green our global economy. GeSI communicates with policymakers and key stakeholders to explain the significant contribution that ICT can play in addressing climate change globally and facilitating low-carbon development. GeSI wants the contribution of ICT to be recognised and integrated in government policies to achieve sustainability goals – at national, regional, and global level. Our role is to inform policymakers about ICT and climate change, to drive the sustainability debate and participate in joint initiatives. Additionally, GeSI drives the implementation of TCFD and Science Based Targets within the ICT industry. In 2021 GeSI officially launched the "Digital with Purpose" movement to drive the industry more sustainable. Aligned
Global Compact Caring for Climate Membership Launched by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2007, "Caring for Climate" is the UN Global Compact and UN Environment Programme's initiative aimed at advancing the role of business in addressing climate change. It provides a framework for business leaders to advance practical solutions and help shape public policy as well as public attitudes. Chief executive officers who support the statement are prepared to set goals, develop and expand strategies and practices, and to publicly disclose emissions. Aligned
GSMA – GSM Association

Member of the Board,
Dominique Leroy,Board Member for Europe, Deutsche Telekom AG

The GSMA is committed to:
• achieving carbon neutrality for all operations year on year (Scope 1, 2 and 3)
• a carbon emission reduction target for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions in line with the 1.5ºC trajectory and for scope 3 in line with the “well below 2ºC” trajectory, following a science based approach, using a baseline year of 2019
• achieving net zero emissions by 2050
• disclosing emissions, targets and progress year on year

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Membership ICC is the only accredited global business organization at the UN. With the "Green Economy Roadmap" ICC emphasises the responsibility of business and companies for a sustainable development according to the Rio Convention of the UN. ICC is especially supporting climate protection activities such as regularly attending COP side events. Due to the heterogeneity of ICC the position is not always as ambitious as the DT climate protection policy & targets. Partially aligned

July, 2023

Physical Climate Risk Assessment and Adaption

Physical risksExtreme weather conditions as a consequence of climate change will have a negative impact on our business processes and networks, leadin...

Physical risks

Extreme weather conditions as a consequence of climate change will have a negative impact on our business processes and networks, leading to incidents or even network outages. Potential failure of network infrastructure may arise due to damaged secondary infrastructure (power outages, e.g.) or failed cooling equipment. Another risk is the possible damage to or failure of the network due to damage to the network infrastructure itself, which may occur as a result of extreme heat, heavy rain and inland flood.
Among the effects of breakdowns is their massive impact on the management of rescue operations, for example, sometimes even rendering such emergency efforts entirely impossible.

In contrast to the physical risks due to climate change, we identified the increasing use of energy-efficient technologies (in grid operation, e.g.) and the growing demand for climate-friendly products and services as significant climate-related opportunities. For instance, we are offering our customers more and more sustainable products and services. The basis for these is Deutsche Telekom’s “green network”, which is powered 100 percent by renewable energies. More Details

Physical risk assessment

In various workshops with experts from technology, purchasing, strategy and risk management, we defined the material climate-related risks and opportunities and carried out an initial weighting. We considered the consequences for our business activities that could result from the physical impacts of progressing climate change.
We analyzed - on an initial exemplary basis - 500 Deutsche Telekom AG sites for mobile and fixed line equally weighted in Germany with regard to the physical climate risks. These risks are the basis for adaptation plans regarding physical climate risks. The initial analysis covered about 80 % of our existing operations (based on revenue share). Such an analysis shall be extended similarly also to other countries and based on vulnerability and criticality in the future. In the future, all (100 %) new operations will undergo a risk assessment regarding physical climate risk incl. plans for adaptation to physical climate risks. 

The climate risk analysis was prepared using the "Climate Change Edition" of the "Location Risk Intelligence" software from reinsurer Munich Re. The analysis comprises eight indices (see graph). We consider the risk exposure for the respective locations of fixed line and mobile technical sites (network operation, data center and office buildings) in three climate scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): RCP 2.6 means 2°C or below 2°C; a business-as-usual scenario (RCP 4.5), in which the global temperature increase will be more than two degrees, and a four-degree scenario (RCP 8.5). In addition to the climate scenarios, we also examine the risk exposure in different time frames: current, for the year 2050, and for 2100. 


The results from this assessment are used to develop a climate change adaptation plan with mitigation measures that consider context-specific factors and different assets (network operation, data center and office buildings).

Adaptation measures for physical risks

We understand physical risk adaption as anticipating the adverse effects of climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or minimize the damage they can cause. Our action plans consider all material risks that have been identified through our climate risk assessment. By considering context factors such as characteristics of your sites (region, proximity to rivers, …), we ensure tailored made action plans instead of “one size fits all” approach.

More specifically, we have implemented the following actions:

Measure Description Time horizont
Business continuity management To ensure business continuity, we have defined necessary responsibilities, processes, and measures in our internal “Group Policy on Continuity and Situation Management”.The policy also outlines how to handle emergency and crisis situations like for instance floods.  Less than 5 years
New network infrastructure We take possible consequences of climate change into account when planning new networks infrastructure. Our network infrastructure is set up to be better protected from storm conditions, changes in temperature, and high winds.  5 to 10 years
Network modernization 

We conduct modernization measures such as
• network facility back-up batteries
• data centers with in-house emergency generators
• switching to high-efficiency electrical and air-conditioning systems
• improving the operation of air-conditioning, lighting

More than 10 years

Infrastructure facility inspections

We conduct regular assessments to ensure sophistication and resilience of infrastructure facilities. We conduct approximately 80 location inquiries per year. Approximately 35 queries for risk buildings in Germany (plannable, current threat situation), 25 queries for international risk buildings (plannable, current threat situation), 20 queries for national and international locations in the context of projects or customer orders (short-term, current threat situation)

Less than 5 years



Furthermore, in the near future we will check the approx. 20 T-Systems data centers for their "future security" (focus 2050).

5 to 10 years

Physical climate risk analysis In the future, we enhance our physical risk assessment. We plan to extend the physical climate risk analysis to further countries and context-specific assessment of the physical impacts of climate change for each asset (network operation, data center and office buildings) Less than 5 years

Further measures relevant e.g.:
• Stakeholder Capacity building
• Awareness buiding measures for employees

Less than 5 years

Beyond that we ensure to mitigate our own possible impact on climate change by implementing ambitious climate strategy and measures for mitigating climate change in the first place. More Details.  

June, 2023

Group-wide environmental guideline

Deutsche Telekom assumes responsibility for environmental protection. Uniform environmental standards ensure that environmental issues are considered...

Deutsche Telekom assumes responsibility for environmental protection. Uniform environmental standards ensure that environmental issues are considered and environmentally-friendly behavior is anchored in all processes and in the daily behavior of employees. To this end, the Group has implemented an QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) management system in all fully consolidated companies. Internal and external audits are conducted regularly to verify that the requirements of the HSE management system are consistently implemented in the company's day-to-day operations.

Integral part of the QHSE management system is the Group-wide environmental guideline (pdf, 658.0 KB) including environmental issues (such as climate change and energy, the preservation of natural resources, and the protection of water and biodiversity). All fully consolidated Deutsche Telekom Group companies are obligated to apply this policy and necessary measures within the area of their responsibility. The document includes our production operations and business facilities, our products and services, distribution and logistics, the management of waste, requirements for suppliers and contractors and other business partners and also the consideration within due-dilligiences, mergers & aquisitions. The Environmental Guideline summarizes and partially complements existing self-commitments of DT Group.

The Environmental Guideline is approved by the Board of Management. Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for overseeing adherence to this policy and its integration into business management processes.
The Guideline is approved includes the obligation to legal compliance, to environmental laws and regulations. Beyond that we are committed to continuous improvement of our environmental performance and the reduction of our negative environmental impacts. We use key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge our progress. These indicators help us to effectively steer our efforts while keeping our stakeholders informed of our progress. DT regularly reports the progress in environmental performance and the achievement of the environmental targets within the groups annual CR-report (yearly).

Changes in internal and external stakeholder expectations (e.g. investors, customers, employees) as well as stakeholder feedback are captured through stakeholder communication and dialogues in various formats. With our several stakeholder dialogues formats we not only gather feedback on our environmental performance, we also raise awareness for our environmental management policy and environmental impacts (see also publications on our environmental performance and KPIs).
With the "Youlearn" learning culture initiative, we are continuing to drive forward the further development of our employees. We provide our employees with a powerful training portfolio through the intelligent learning platform "Percipio" (also referred to as the "Netflix of learning") and "Coursera" (provider of digital continuing education courses from top-ranked universities). Over 180,000 Percipio registrations since the third quarter of 2019 confirm our efforts.
Among our wide range of training offers for employees we also provide QHSE trainings, including environmental issues as to understand the impacts of their work activities on the environment (as digital training exercises). Employees and experts of Deutsche Telekom worldwide regularly exchange information and jointly develop a comprehensive QHSE management system.

January, 2023

Don’t buy, rent

We want to make sure that used routers and media receivers don’t just end up in the trash. That is why we promote the “Don’t buy, rent” approa...

We want to make sure that used routers and media receivers don’t just end up in the trash. That is why we promote the “Don’t buy, rent” approach. Our rental services conserve resources and reduce electronic waste, thus cutting CO2 emissions. When a contract is canceled, the customer returns the devices, which are then either refurbished and rented out again or professionally recycled. We have simplified the return process by introducing a returns portal. We advertise our rental service actively and successfully. The offer has been well received by our customers
the number of people using the rental service increased to just over 11,65 million by the end of 2022.

October, 2022

Digital Solutions: The EU’s FENIX project – a platform for more efficient and climate-friendly logistics chains

FENIX = Federated European Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX Development of a European federated architecture for data sharing serving the E...

FENIX = Federated European Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX

Development of a European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community

- More transparency through real-time information

- Standardized interfaces for ETA, etc.

- Innovative software modules (SDK) from the cloud

- Intermodal transport solutions within EU guidelines

Development, testing and validating practice-relevant services, e.g.:

- Container arrival times (ETA)

- Digitization of customs systems

- CO2 monitoring

Project goals:

- Overcome the fragmented goods transportation causing economic bottlenecks in the EU member states

- Harmonize and optimize cross-border logistics along selected European transport corridors

- Establish ICT standards for seamless communication of cargo flow addressing all modes of transport


Partners with profound market knowledge develop an architecture for a collaborative IT environment bringing together logistics information systems on an operational level

October, 2022

LCMM App (Low Carbon Mobility Management): Helps to improve individual, environmental-sensitive driving style

LCMM (Low Carbon Mobility Management) is a complete system developed for managing logistics fleets. DHL and DB Schenker, for example, use the patented...

LCMM (Low Carbon Mobility Management) is a complete system developed for managing logistics fleets. DHL and DB Schenker,
for example, use the patented system in China and Europe and have reduced harmful emissions by an average of 20 percent (saving of 468 kg CO2 per HGV within one month). Fuel costs also went down by as much as 15 percent. This solution starts by analyzing
individual driver behavior. The app helps drivers to develop a more environmentally focused driving style. A cloud backend with corresponding dashboards helps fleet operators to manage their vehicle fleets as efficiently as possible (including up-to-date positioning of each vehicle).

In 11/2020, LCMM has been awarded with the "#GreenMagenta" label of Deutsche Telekom.

October, 2022

Impact measurement: EcoSIM

Sustainability Challenges we are facing is that although the state-of-the-art SIM card is the eSim, we still sell 9 million SIM cards per year. Our so...

Sustainability Challenges we are facing is that although the state-of-the-art SIM card is the eSim, we still sell 9 million SIM cards per year.

Our solution, from 2022, the environmental footprint of physical SIM cards will be further reduced by using recycled material instead of virgin plastic.

The offer pays off on the following SDGs:

·       SDG 12 - Using recycled material instead of virgin plastic

With an annual sales volume of 9 million SIM cards, we save 81 tCO2e annually with the EcoSIM.

We have labeled this solution #GreenMagenta.

January, 2022

Green Pioneers

The starting shot for the initiative was fired in September 2018, and we now have more than 320 Group employees in Germany acting as “Green Pioneers...

The starting shot for the initiative was fired in September 2018, and we now have more than 320 Group employees in Germany acting as “Green Pioneers” as well as a large number of other supporters.

October, 2021

Achieving more together: international collaboration

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant b...

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant business segments and national companies to reach this goal. They use the CR Manager Network to regularly share best practices and discuss new challenges, thereby jointly promoting essential CR issues. The central Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR) department is responsible for managing the network. In the year 2021, the CR Manager Network encompassed more than 100 CR Manager from 34 subsidiaries based in 20 countries across the globe. 

The participants are regularly invited to virtual meetings and capacity building calls by Group Corporate Responsibility. In 2021, content and likely implications of the EU Green Deal were discussed as well as progress within the #GreenMagenta programs and the new strategic stream "Positive impact on society" defined by the EU segment. Furthermore, the network members could gain insights into issues like Impact measurement and the future of a greener mobility.

October, 2021

“IT remarketing” project

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partner...

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partnership with “AfB gemeinnützige GmbH”, which offers job opportunities to people with disabilities. Within the scope of this partnership, we are giving some of our used IT hardware (e.g. laptops) to the organization for reconditioning and reselling. This will support us to save resources and to create jobs for people with disabilities as well as extend the life cycle of our used hardware.

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