Our Contribution to
the Sustainable
Melanie Kubin-Hardewig
Vice President Group Corporate Responsibility
Deutsche Telekom AG
„As the leading European telco, we also want to be a leader when it comes to sustainability.” A comparison with the 17 United Nations SDGs shows that many of our activities, services, and products are already helping to meet ecological and societal challenges today.“
We support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). Various studies have come to the conclusion that 103 (of a total of 169) subgoals associated with the SDGs can benefit from the use of ICT. Examples include the study entitled "ICT-centric economic growth, innovation, and job creation," published in 2017 by the International Telecommunication Union, and the “SMARTer2030” study launched by the GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative) initiative in 2019.
Our network infrastructure forms the technological foundation; it enables solutions to social and ecological challenges, hence contributing to achieving many SDGs. That is why we believe we can make the biggest impact on SDG 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.”
The following overview details how we contribute to implementing the SDGs. It also shows how we measure our contribution, and refers to specific examples from the current CR report.
Sustainability Goal 8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
We provide excellent working conditions for our employees and work continuously to make the supply chain more sustainable. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Our contribution
Our network and our products enable innovative business models. We are committed to sustainable growth, provide excellent working conditions for our current and future employees, and keep working toward a more sustainable supply chain.
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Sustainability Goal 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
We invest billions in a stable, secure network infrastructure and, in doing so, create the basis for economic performance and participation in the knowledge and information society. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
Our contribution
We aim to ensure that everyone can take part. For this reason we are investing billions in a stable and secure network infrastructure and increasing the share of innovative, sustainable products in the overall portfolio. In doing this we create the basis required for economic performance and participation in the knowledge and information society.
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Sustainability Goal 3
Good Health and Well-being
We support the health care sector by providing various ICT solutions - from hospital management systems to our contact tracing app, the Corona-Warn-App. We also promote the health and well-being of our employees across the Group. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 3
Good Health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Our contribution
We promote health with our e-health solutions for the improvement of medical care and a number of health measures for our employees.
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Sustainability Goal 4
Quality Education
We support the population’s media literacy and democratic skills with various projects and initiatives. We offer our employees a wide range of individual vocational training and development programs. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 4
Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning for all
Our contribution
We invest heavily in the training and development of our employees. In addition, we promote the development of media literacy and democratic skills in our society. The Deutsche Telekom Stiftung foundation supports a large number of STEM projects.
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Sustainability Goal 5
Gender Equality
We promote equal opportunities and use targeted measures to increase the share of women in management, in supervisory boards and in STEM professions. We also call on our suppliers to ban gender discrimination. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 5
Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Our contribution
We are committed to the systematic promotion of women in management, supervisory boards, and STEM professions. Our employees benefit from a number of different offers we provide to improve their work-life balance.
We expressly expect our suppliers to ban gender discrimination.
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Sustainability Goal 7
Affordable and Clean Energy
We increase the share of green energy of our total energy consumption and use energy-efficient technology. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 7
Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
Our contribution
With our integrated climate strategy, we are fully committed to electricity from renewable energies. To this end, we are increasingly concluding long-term purchase agreements to give producers planning security for the expansion of renewable energy generation. This is how we promote sustainable energy management. We reduce our energy consumption by using energy-efficient technology.
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Sustainability Goal 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Our innovative solutions and the network infrastructure build-out help shape the transformation of cities into smart urban spaces. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Our contribution
Our innovative solutions and network build-out help shape the transformation of cities into intelligent urban spaces (smart cities).
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Sustainability Goal 12
Responsible Consumption and Production
We increase the share of innovative, sustainable products in our portfolio, ensuring transparency about this by identifying these products with our #GoodMagenta and #GreenMagenta labels. Moreover, we reduce the waste volume generated by our Group and are committed to proper recycling. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 12
Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption and production
Our contribution
We continually work on offering more sustainable product solutions and promoting more sustainable production patterns in the supply chain. At the same time, we are committed to avoiding waste and to the recycling of valuable natural resources. This means we are reducing waste volumes both on our and our customers’ premises.
- Take Back Mobile Devices ESG KPI (including cell phones)
- Take Back CPEs ESG KPI (including fixed-line)
- Continued analysis of our products’ sustainability benefits
- ESG KPI “Procurement Volume Without CR Risk”
- Waste management and recycling
- Waste production (including e-waste)
- Impact assessment for the Germany segment
- Impact measurement for the Systems Solutions segment
- Cross-segment measures for impact measurement
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Sustainability Goal 13
Climate Action
We contribute to climate protection - within the Group by taking measures to increase energy efficiency and using renewable energy, and outside the Group by providing sustainable products and services. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 13
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Our contribution
We help protect the climate with measures conducted at the Group (energy efficiency and use of renewable energy) as well as with our sustainable products and services based on our integrated climate strategy.
- ESG KPI “Energy Intensity” DT Group
- ESG KPI “Carbon Intensity” DT Group
- ESG KPI “Renewable Energy”
- “PUE” ESG KPI: lower carbon emissions in data centers
- ESG KPI “Enablement factor” in the DT Group in Europe
- CDP Supply Chain Program
- Orientation to the TCFD’s recommendations
- Impact assessment for the Germany segment
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Sustainability Goal 15
Life on Land
ICT solutions help increase yields in agriculture and conserve resources. We are committed to conserve biodiversity and call on our suppliers to protect the environment. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 15
Life on Land
Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
Our contribution
Our efficient smart agriculture ICT solutions allow for higher harvest yields while reducing the use of resources such as seeds, fertilizers, and energy. We also conduct projects to protect biodiversity. We require our suppliers to protect the environment and use resources responsibly.
Product innovations for maintaining biodiversity and for improving agriculture through NB-IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things)
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Sustainability Goal 1
No Poverty
Our networks provide the conditions for economic and social participation and thus also access to education, the lack of which is one of the main causes of poverty. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 1
No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Our contribution
By expanding our networks, we create the conditions for economic and social participation, among other things providing access to education – the lack of which is one of the main causes of poverty. We expect our suppliers to pay the minimum wages as set forth in the ILO Convention. We have explicitly formulated this in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
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Sustainability Goal 2
Zero Hunger
ICT solutions help to boost crop yields while conserving resources such as seeds and water. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 2
Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Our contribution
Efficient smart agriculture ICT solutions allow for higher harvest yields while reducing the use of resources such as seeds, water, fertilizers, and energy.
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Sustainability Goal 6
Clean Water and Sanitation
ICT solutions help reduce the use of water and fertilizer in agriculture. Smart metering systems enable utilities and customers to manage water consumption in a sustainable way. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 6
Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Our contribution
Efficient smart agriculture ICT solutions help reduce water consumption and use of fertilizers. Furthermore, our smart metering systems allow for exact measurement and control of water consumption.
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Sustainability Goal 10
Reduced Inequalities
We are clearly committed to diversity and support our employees, irrespective of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability or non-disability, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, and cultural background. In addition, we expect our suppliers to pay minimum wages in line with the ILO Convention. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 10
Reduced Inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Our contribution
We are clearly committed to diversity and support our employees, irrespective of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability or non-disability, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, and cultural background. We expect our suppliers to pay the minimum wages as set forth in the ILO Convention. We have explicitly formulated this in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
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Sustainability Goal 14
Life Below Water
Our ICT solutions can help save water. We also take various measures to reduce our own water consumption. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 14
Life Below Water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development
Our contribution
We help reduce water consumption through the use of ICT and we take measures aimed at reducing the amount of water we use.
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Sustainability Goal 16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
We are clearly committed to ethical codes and legal provisions and have set up a comprehensive compliance management system. Furthermore, our dedicated efforts and products contribute to data protection and data security. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Our contribution
We have clearly expressed our commitment to complying with ethical principles and current legal standards. This commitment has been incorporated into our Guiding Principles and Code of Conduct. We also operate a comprehensive compliance management system. All our activities are compliant with legal regulations and our Binding Corporate Rules on Privacy. Furthermore, our dedicated efforts and products relating to data protection play an important role in ensuring information is kept safe and secure.
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Sustainability Goal 17
Partnerships for the Goals
We collaborate with associations, institutions, and companies at national and international level. Our contribution
Sustainability Goal 17
Partnerships for the Goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Our contribution
We collaborate with associations, institutions, and companies at national and international level to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
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