Financial performance indicators

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Net value added KPI

The increase in net value added, from EUR 64.9 billion to EUR 68.3 billion, resulted primarily from significantly higher repayments to investors. Conversely, capital expenditures for intangible assets (primarily spectrum licenses) and our investments in the network build-out decreased in 2023. This decline in the year-on-year comparison resulted primarily from high capital investments for spectrum licenses in the United States and Europe operating segments, as well as high capital expenditures associated with our accelerated 5G network build-out and the integration of Sprint in the United States segment. Payments to employees also declined, due to factors such as a lower headcount in the United States, Germany, and Europe operating segments.

In contrast to the statement of income, the net value added only takes account of real payment flows. That means that deferred tax expenses and the accrual of provisions do not impact the net value added of the reporting period. Although these costs are deducted from net profit in the statement of income, they are not linked to any current payments to stakeholder groups, as is the case with net value added. Outpayments in this respect are scheduled for the future and will only be accounted for in net value added in future years.


Net revenue, EBITDA and net profit KPI

A detailed clarification of our financial KPIs is available at

in bn. €   2020 2021 2022 2023
a) Since the third quarter of 2022, the GD Towers business entity, which operates the cell tower business in Germany and Austria, assigned to the Group Development operating segment, has been recognized in the consolidated financial statements as a discontinued operation. However, in the combined management report we continue to include the contributions by GD Towers in the results of operations according to the management approach. For information on the agreement with DigitalBridge and Brookfield on GD Towers, please refer to the annual report section “Group organization” in the combined management report and to the section “Summary of accounting policies” in the consolidated financial statements.
b) The prior-year comparatives up to and including 2020 were adjusted retrospectively to take account of changes to the principal/agent policy regarding the recognition of gross and net revenues as of the third quarter of 2022. For further information, please refer to the annual report section “Development of business in the Group” in the combined management report and the section “Summary of accounting policies” in the consolidated financial statements.
c) Comparatives for 2018 were calculated on a pro forma basis for the key performance indicators redefined as of January 1, 2019 following the introduction of the IFRS 16 accounting standard.
d) As a result of the agreement concluded on July 13, 2022, since the third quarter of 2022, the GD tower companies have been recognized in the consolidated financial statements as a discontinued operation. The prior-year comparatives up to and including 2020 were adjusted retrospectively. For further information, please refer to the annual report section “Summary of accounting policies” in the consolidated financial statements.
Net revenue a, b) 99.9 107.6 114.2 112.0
EBITDA AL (adjusted for special factors) a, c) 35.0 37.3 40.2 46.8
EBITDA AL margin (adjusted for special factors) a, c) in % 35.0 34.6 35.1 36.2
Net profit (loss) a, d) 4.2 4.2 8.0 17.8

Revenue development KPI

In 2023, Deutsche Telekom generated Group revenue of EUR 112 billion. The decrease of around EUR 2.4 billion constitutes a year-on-year drop of around 2 percent. The international share of Group revenue increased by 0.96 percentage points to 76.4 percent.

in bn. € 2021 2022 2023 Change on
2022 (in bn/pp)
a) Since revenue allocation to determine ratios is from an HR perspective, it reflects the location of employees (FTE img); see annual report section 'Workforce statistics'. In the annual report revenue is allocated to the country where it is generated.
Net revenue Germany a) 25.8 26 26.4 1.5%
Net revenue international a) 83.0 88.5 85.6 -3.3%
Net revenue Group (total) 108.8 114.4 112.0 -2.1%
International revenue as a percentage of Group revenue 76.3% 77.4% 76.4% -0.96 pp

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  • Highlights

    At Deutsche Telekom, everything starts with

    the network. Having access to state-of-the-art

    technologies is a precondition for economic

    performance and participation in a

    knowledge and information society.

    At Deutsche Telekom, everything starts with the network. Having access to state-of-the-art technologies is a precondition for economic performance and participation in a knowledge and information society.

    That is why we are continuing to rapidly expand our infrastructure and improve transmission speeds with new, secure technology. We invested more than EUR 16 billion Group-wide in 2023, primarily in setting up and operating networks. This is in addition to the investments that we make in acquiring mobile spectrum.

    At Deutsche Telekom we put people front and center, especially our customers and our employees. Worldwide, Deutsche Telekom employees ensure that our networks run smoothly and our customers receive the best service. In this way, we made it into the top 10 of the world’s most valuable brands in 2023. When it comes to telecommunications companies, we occupy the number 1 spot worldwide, remaining Europe’s most valuable corporate brand.

    When rating agencies give high marks to our social and ecological commitment, the T-Share is included in the financial market’s sustainability indexes. In 2023, the T-Share was once again listed in indices such as the renowned CSA-based DJSI World and DJSI Europe.

    Further detailed examples of the progress we made in 2023 can be found in the subchapters – from the Group’s perspective and from that of our segments.

    Highlight numbers

    Highlight numbers

    Progress of selected KPIs in  2023

    • 2022 2023

    • Investments in building and operating networks Group-wide 21bn. 16bn.

    • Customer satisfaction TRI*M 75.0 points 76.2 points

    • Sustainable revenue share 42% 43%

    • Proportion of T-Shares held by investors with ESG criteria 31.3% 32%

    • Procurement volume verified as non-critical 64.1% 66.2%

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